Monday, September 28, 2009

Blog Updates

Since I'm actually able to sit at the computer for a few hours today, I thought I'd share some pictures that hadn't made it on the blog yet this summer. they are in reverse chronological order from September to August

Josh getting a little fresh with Annie!
Aiden visiting from Boston. sorry, Sara May, his face is a little cut off, but they're both looking at the camera! Aiden came to visit just after Josh was born, don't they both look older?!
Our second baseball game of the summer. Remember when we went to the first? Though he doesn't look very happy, I think it's more because of the way I'm holding him, than that he wasn't in a good mood. He actually stayed awake for most of the game.
Josh looking out the window, just before bedtime.
Uncle Adam came to meet Joshua!
Jared reading to Joshua

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Turn off the tv week is over!

Here's two pictures of Josh from today. One is his thoughts on turn off the tv week, he is happy its over. The second is him getting ready for the Eagles game. Our Eagles gear for him is a bit too big yet so we went with the next best thing, Phillies

Friday, September 25, 2009

More tummy time

More tummy time for Josh as we get close to 4 months of age.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


In honor of this being turn off the tv week, here's a picture of our new tv taken last week that I currently cannot watch

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Turn Off TV Week

This week, we’re not turning on the TV. What, you just bought a big 63 inch TV? What - it’s premiere week, you say? Well the TV’s not going anywhere soon, and one week without TV won’t break it. Plus we do have a DVR, so we can watch the shows that we like that premiered, later. Also, I gave an exemption for football. Only football because I had to pick my battles.
We don’t watch TV while Josh is awake certainly, but it’s on the rest of the time we’re home, unfortunately.
See, I’m trying to develop a good environment where our kids are active and the best way for that to happen is if Mom & Dad are active. I think that starts with less TV. Last night I had my 2nd of 4 personal training sessions at the gym and Jared has his intramural football game tonight. We’re staying active by turning the TV off. There are other ways to get the information you need: weather and sports stats are online and do you really need to hear all the bad stuff going on in the world on the news right before you fall asleep?
Plus you then have time to read, and talk to your family. We both read magazines this week. We have stacks of them that we never completely get through. We talked to family and each other more. We enjoyed the quiet before bed and had a much calmer morning.

What do you think? Could you not watch TV for a week? Try doing your own week, and join us in the spring!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Morning spitting

Here's a video of a typical morning when Josh wakes up and is playing in his crib when we walk in to see him. He'll smile back at us and then we'll go back and forth making raspberry noises. Lots of fun

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Morning Dad!

Jared was in New York this weekend for a bachelor party - so I sent him this picture of Josh in the morning. Josh really is a morning person - cooing and smiling and really active. Something his sleep-in-late-on-the-weekend parents are going to have to get used to!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Get in my Mouth!

Recently, Josh has been trying to put anything he can get his hands on in his mouth. Can teeth be far behind??

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fan of the ceiling fan

Like most babies, Josh loves looking at mobiles and ceiling fans that move above him while he is lying down

Josh in a kid size leather recliner

So, the last time Jared bought a TV was in 2002. Yup, he's had his TV longer than he's been married to me. We thought it was about time to give in a get a large flat panel TV. while Jared was haggling with the salesman, I found these cute leather recliners - kid sized - and I couldn't resist a pic. Hope you're having a great labor day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Band is Cool!

If you've been around me long enough, you've ultimately heard me say that Band was cool at my high school. As proof, this alum's version of Sweet Child of Mine, by Guns 'n' Roses.

Take that Jared.

Happy Baby!

Jared caught this pic this morning as we were getting ready to leave the house. It's amazing how much bigger Josh looks compared to two weeks ago! have a great day!


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