Saturday, February 27, 2010

Josh hard at work

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just one more

Because Josh is so active, it's hard to take pictures where he's not moving in them - perhaps we need a better camera. Regardless, here's one where he's laughing. Now you try not to smile when you see this!

Cliff, Jessie, Ayla, Meghan, Audrey, and Julia come to visit

The Dickinson's paid us a visit from Fishers Indiana this weekend. Here's a picture of Cliff with their youngest, Julia. She's only a few weeks older than Josh.
We went to the Kohl's Children's museum on Saturday. * Cliff teaching Ayla something in the Water works exhibit, and Audrey looks like she's having a great time too. (Yes, I partially posted this picture because of the guy with the camera's haircut! Whoa!)
Audrey, Meghan and Ayla hanging out, tired after the museum. Apparently the top of the couch is the coolest place to sit!

We're glad they could come to visit.

*Amy, Jared thinks this is like the Please Touch Museum (which happened to be highlighted in a parenting magazine I was reading the other day!), but looking at your post from Lucy painting, I'm glad ours is less messy!


Josh is getting very good at crawling up our stairs. He is also perfecting the skill of pulling himself up using furniture, his parents legs or anything he can get his hands on. Standing and walking aren't probably too far behind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pics from weekend in Atlanta

Here are some pictures from our weekend in Atlanta. Thanks again to the Atlanta Goidels and the Gohdes (Kim included) for showing us a great time over the weekend


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