Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cherry Hill

From Atlantic City, we drove to Cherry Hill, NJ to visit with a former college classmate and his family

 After having breakfast and playing for a little bit, they took us to Johnson's Farm.

Caitlyn wore her clothes on to the splash pad...

 And got soaked!

Dan, Ethan, Caitlyn, Jared , Josh

On the hay ride to pick peaches and corn

Sunflowers we saw on the ride

She continued to eat the whole thing

Playing at the store afterwards 

Then we went back to their house for some water ices!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day weekend at the beach

 Jared's cousin Rob's wife family invited us to the beach.

Jared and Rob

want some ice cream?

having real ice cream

Cousins, and cousins of cousins: Zachary, Eli, Cooper, Matthew, Caitlyn & Josh


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