Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday (party) Josh!

We celebrated Josh's 4th birthday at Monkey Joe's 

hanging around waiting for the party

Josh and his tree

Aunt Sara, Papa Robert, Brett, and Gaga came to help watch the kids and enjoy the fun 

Tom and Jared

Hey, how do we get out of here!

Colin, Josh, Madden
Caitlyn wants a turn too!

Yup Jared going down the slide

Caitlyn sharing the throne with Josh

all the kids! from the left: Nathan, Elizabeth, Ryan, Owen, Colin, Josh, Caitlyn , Madden (Emery and Sam are hidden) Gabe, Preston, Linc & Stella

Monkey Joe giving Madden a Hi 5!

Spiderman cake from Deerfields!

Gaga even wanted a pic with Monkey Joe

Caitlyn inhaled the cake, and the leftovers of Daddy's too

Josh and Elizabeth
Caitlyn was wiped out!
ready to open presents

not sure why they were on the floor, but I think this was after dinner, ready for bed

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