Sunday, March 30, 2014

Brookfield Zoo

Jared had to fly to New York on a Sunday for a work meeting the next day, so we went to the zoo!

The last time we took a similar picture, Caitlyn was in my belly!  Josh was then, a little bit older than Caitlyn is now!  I try to think about what they will look like when Caitlyn is the age Josh is now, three years from now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Indianapolis Children's Museum

Jared had to check something for a client, in Indianapolis; being that it was Spring Break, we drove down with him for a change of pace.  We spent about 24 hours in Indiana, so it was a quick trip while he did a little work.

when in Indy, start with an Indy Car!
 We started in the Playscape.  Building

 simple machines

 wind tunnel



 After a snack, we moved on to the construction area
 After lunch the doll area.  After playing with a friend's dollhouse the night before, this was a big hit!

 We didn't do anything with the clay warriors, but a bunch of other people were taking pictures, so they had to, too.


 chiluly exhibit

beautiful even in the reflection on the floor

making her own sculpture

 The artist's renderings

sitting under the art...the seat spun around, and Josh wanted me to take a movie of the slowly moving seat...luckily for you, I said I'll just take a picture

you could look to see each of these particular shapes repeated throughout the sculpture
 And finally, the railroad exhibit...
the origination of the phrase " the real McCoy"
It was a little expensive for what I would normally deem reasonable for the three of us to do $48! And we did spend more time than we normally would (10-2) at such a site, plus $28 for lunch since we couldn't pack our own...I guess you can chalk it up to "Spring Break"

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Caitlyn got her hair cut, short!

She wasn't letting me comb it or put anything in it, so she often looked too ragged for me.

 The day before

 The morning of

 Right before

Much better!

So cute!

 How it looks most days

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ball Factory

I had found a Living Social Deal for the Ball Factory in Naperville, so we went to check it out!

Riding Tractors, kid sized

they could "mill" timber

toddler size slide

hugest lego blocks I've ever seen

we spent such little time in the ball pit!

Caitlyn playing with someone in the hamster wheel

floor piano a la the movie "Big"

The most fun part of the whole place, shooting foam balls at people all around the room

Caitlyn as Josh's loader

four opponents on this side

check out that face!

four opponents on that side


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