Sunday, December 2, 2012

Caitlyn updates

It feels like I just updated Caitlyn's new skills, but even in the past couple of weeks she is doing some new things!

She will nod her head yes, and as I mentioned, has stood up for a few seconds before grabbing back on to the furniture in front of her.  This morning we noticed she held a toy phone up to her ear.  She has started doing the more and all done signs when eating, I think.  When I am reading books to her, she will swipe the book out of my hands if she doesn't want me to read it to her, but will eagerly turn pages of a book she does want to read.  She loves any peekaboo books.  She does love peekaboo, early on she would play with a blanket, but lately, she has covered up her right eye with her hand and when I say "Where is Caitlyn?" she will uncover her eye and smile.  The other day, she was sitting on my lap, facing me and I covered my eyes with my hands, said "Where's Mommy?" and she pulled my hands off my face one by one.  She can cluck, kiss - often with her mouth open, but if she is in a good mood, she will kiss your lips.  She claps hands, she will wave hello and good-bye to you.  Especially to the "baby" in the mirror of the bathroom after we change her diaper.  I think she has started using a pincher grasp to eat Cheerios.  She still has a bit appetite and will eat just about everything we give her.  Although, she may be over turkey!

Most of the time, she can crawl on all fours, though sometimes army crawling is faster for her .My baby is not really a baby any more :(

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